Vent de réforme aux USA
Selon mes informations obtenues selon le site TechDirt, les USA entament une réforme périodique profonde de leur législation sur le droit d’auteur. Ce billet daté du 19 juillet dernier par Mike Masnick indique que deux comité de la chambre basse se penchent déjà sur la question.
Le milieu des bibliothèques aux USA ont déjà lancé une déclaration conjointe le 26 juillet sur le rôle du droit d’auteur dans l’innovation :
In the statement, LCA [Library Copyright Alliance] discusses the diminishing role of copyright in incentivizing activity in one of the most important sources of innovation in the US economy: scholarly communications. LCA then discusses the economic importance of collaborative activities such as open source software and Wikipedia, which do not rely on the incentive provided by copyright. Finally, with respect to sectors that do appear to rely on copyright, LCA points out that many of the leading firms in those sectors are foreign owned. This suggests that the importance of copyright to maintaining US leadership in the global economy may be overstated.
La LCA représente plus de 100,000 bibliothèques aux USA ainsi que plus de 350,000 bibliothécaires et autres professionnels.
Sur un même ordre d’idée, le bureau des brevets des USA a publié une étude majeure du département de commerce (organe officiel de l’État fédéral) intitulée:
Copyright Policy, Creativity, and Innovation in the Digital Economy (2013)
Selon le communiqué annonçant la publication du document,
The Green Paper released today is the most thorough and comprehensive analysis of digital copyright policy issued by any administration since 1995. The report is a product of the Department of Commerce’s Internet Policy Task Force (IPTF) with input from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Through the IPTF, the USPTO and NTIA will solicit further public comments and convene roundtables and forums on a number of key policy issues.
In the Green Paper, the IPTF proposes the following actions:* Establishing a multistakeholder dialogue on improving the operation of the notice and takedown system under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
* Soliciting public comment and convening roundtables on:
-> The legal framework for the creation of remixes;
-> The relevance and scope of the first sale doctrine in the digital environment;
-> The application of statutory damages in the context of individual file-sharers and secondary liability for large-scale online infringement;
-> The appropriate role for the government, if any, to help improve the online licensing environment, including access to comprehensive public and private databases of rights information.
Une prochaine année bien occupée donc pour nos voisins du Sud…
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2013-08-08 à 14 h 40 min.