Les violations au delà de la tombe du droit d'auteur

Le groupe MIT Free Culture de l’université éponyme de Boston vient de lancer le site YouTomb (http://youtomb.mit.edu/), un site qui recense des vidéos retirés de YouTube à cause d’une plainte de violation du droit d’auteur. Selon le site,

YouTomb is a research project by MIT Free Culture that tracks videos taken down from YouTube for alleged copyright violation.

More specifically, YouTomb continually monitors the most popular videos on YouTube for copyright-related takedowns. Any information available in the metadata is retained, including who issued the complaint and how long the video was up before takedown. The goal of the project is to identify how YouTube recognizes potential copyright violations as well as to aggregate mistakes made by the algorithm.

Au même moment, le quotidien britannique The Guardian publie un article intéressant sur la « CopyFraud » – néologisme qui évoque une appropriation inéquitable d’une oeuvre dans le domaine public par une corporation (Charles Eicher, Copyfraud: Poisoning the public domain) :

Committing copyfraud is astonishingly easy and costs nothing. I can borrow a public domain book from any library and scan it, or I could download the text from Project Gutenberg. I reformat it as a PDF, mark it with a copyright date, register it as a new book with an ISBN, then submit it to Amazon.com for sale. I may not even need to print and bind any books, I can offer it through Amazon’s Booksurge print-on-demand service, or as an ebook on Kindle. Once the book is listed for sale, I can submit it to Google Books for inclusion in its index. I could easily publish thousands of books; most would never sell, but with zero up-front cost, any sale is pure profit.

Merci à Jeff Roberts et son IP News This Week.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 2009-06-29 à 10 h 47 min.