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Google Radio, télévision

Google en onde

Selon un article du Washington Post (enregistrement requis, David Lawsky, Reuters, 6 Nov 2008), Google travaille avec les autorités américaines, spécifiquement la Federal Communications Commission, pour s’approprier les fréquences hertziennes du spectre télévisuel inutilisées entre les chaînes pour offrir l’accès à Internet pour les communautés rurales.

Le site du FCC difusait le 4 novembre dernier les commentaires des commissaires ainsi qu’un communiqué :


In its continuing efforts to promote efficient use of spectrum and to extend the benefits of such use to the public, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today adopted a Second Report and Order (Second R&O) that establishes rules to allow new, sophisticated wireless devices to operate in broadcast television spectrum on a secondary basis at locations where that spectrum is open. (This unused TV spectrum is now commonly referred to as television “white spaces”). The rules adopted today will allow for the use of these new and innovative types of unlicensed devices in the unused spectrum to provide broadband data and other services for consumers and businesses.

The rules represent a careful first step to permit the operation of unlicensed devices in the TV white spaces and include numerous safeguards to protect incumbent services against harmful interference. The rules will allow for both fixed and personal/portable unlicensed devices. Such devices must include a geolocation capability and provisions to access over the Internet a data base of the incumbent services, such as full power and low power TV stations and cable system headends, in addition to spectrum-sensing technology. The data base will tell the white space device what spectrum may be used at that location.

Wireless microphones will be protected in a variety of ways. The locations where wireless microphones are used, such as sporting venues and event and production facilities, can be registered in the data base and will be protected in the same way as other services. The Commission also has required that devices include the ability to listen to the airwaves to sense wireless microphones as an additional measure of protection for these devices.

All white space devices are subject to equipment certification by the FCC Laboratory. The Laboratory will request samples of the devices for testing to ensure that they meet all the pertinent requirements.

Un dépêche de l’Associated Press (4 novembre 2008) donne quelques détails concernant l’effet de la résolution votée par les commissaires du FCC :

The vote is a big victory for public interest groups and technology companies such as Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp. that say white spaces could be used to bring broadband to rural America and other underserved parts of the country.


The vote came over the objections of the nation’s big TV broadcasters, which argue that using the fallow spectrum to deliver wireless Internet access could disrupt their over-the-air signals. Manufacturers and users of wireless microphones — including sports leagues, church leaders and performers of all stripes — have also raised concerns about interference.

The next step for opponents could be a fight on Capitol Hill or a lawsuit to stop the FCC plan from taking effect.

BL Enfant Google Grande Bretagne Information et savoirs Rapport et étude

La “Génération Google” – un mythe ?

Selon une étude proposée par la British Library indique que les préceptes de la « Génération Google » ont plus du mythe que de la réalité.

L’étude complète, intitulée Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future (pdf, EN, 35 pages), fut commanditée par la BL et le JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) et réalisée par le Centre for Information Behaviour and the Evaluation of Research (CIBER), un groupe de recherche de l’école des sciences de l’information du University College London.

Balladodiffusion Google Livre et édition

Détracteur à Google Books

Siva Vaidhyanathan, professeur en « Media Studies and Law » à la University of Virginia , participe à une entrevue en baladodiffusion dans le site de First Monday, une revue en accès libre.

Entre autres choses, il discute de son plus récent article intitulé « The Googlization of Everything and the Future of Copyright » dans une édition récente (vol. 40, no. 3) de la UC Davis Law Review, qui critique sévèrement le projet Google Books. (Ses arguments reprennent largement les objections de Jean-Noël Janneney, ancien président de la Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Vaidhyanathan est connu pour ces positions en faveur de la culture libre, il a entre autres écrit The anarchist in the library : how the clash between freedom and control is hacking the real world and crashing the system (Basic Books, 2005) et Copyrights and copywrongs : the rise of intellectual property and how it threatens creativity (NYU Press, 2003). Il travaille actuellement sur un livre à propos de Google.